Elective course

“For me, drawing is more an investigation of thought than an investigation of observation.”
Mark Manders, on drawing, 1998
What to draw? Why to draw? Work on various exercises and presentations on selected contemporary artistic approaches (e.g. Silvia Bächli, Joelle Tuerlinckx, Matt Mullican, Matthew Barney) is meant to form the basis for an individual process that will allow us to approach the medium of drawing and the possibilities for its transformation in three dimensional space. An engagement with graphic techniques, from written notation to line to figure and body, is the foundation of the experimental search for a personal artistic language which can be found in drawing but which also offers us encouragement in the exploration of other media and methods. Building on this discourse, students will create an independent creative work.
In the drawing classroom we will use the size and flexibility of the available facilities to engage with the horizontal and vertical properties of space. To this end, one goal of the semester will be to collaboratively develop a temporary exhibition space. Independent work will be accompanied by group and individual discussions.
Throughout the course we will deal with the question of what drawing is and can be today, using various texts and films and starting points. We will strive for continuous engagement and individual initiative in the investigation of thoughts.
Nico Pachali
Thursdays, 2 pm - 5 pm
weekly as of 20/10/2022, room B075 (drawing classroom)
Introduction at kug-Panorama_22WS23: thu, 13/10/2022, 2 pm - 4:15 pm, online
Please register at StudIP.
5 CP
BA_Modul Farbe – Form– Raum
MA_Modul Farbe und Grafik in Raum und Architektur