The Space of Disappearance

Elective module


We live in a time in which ecological, political, economic, technological, and social constants are breaking down and radical changes are making themselves felt in the structures of daily life. In Western societies, global networking processes and complex technical innovations are increasingly accompanied by the feeling of loss of stability, tradition, and values. The increasing acceleration of technical, communicational, and artistic processes call for changed ways of life. But not only do the intentional technological changes in the Western world constantly force people to adapt and keep up, the side effects of the all-embracing concept of progress increase the pressure to act—the climate crisis and the Corona pandemic are only two examples of such side effects.

In this workshop, we will address the topic of disappearance in discussion and implement it artistically. In the process, we’ll learn basic parameters of text design. Starting with letters as the smallest unit of writing, through to complex digital layouts, we will learn the basics of typography: technical terms, the history of writing, classification of fonts, microtypography, and the use of writing in digital media. In the tension between manual and digital works, between writing with tools and manipulating writing in layout programs, participants will develop their own layout concepts for a multi-page publication.


Andrea Schmidt


Workshop Part 1: Room B049

Thu, 21/4/22, 10:30 am – 5 pm

Fri, 22/4/22, 10 am – 4:30 pm

Sat, 23/4/22, 10 am – 4:30 pm

Workshop Part 2: Computer Pool

Thu, 5/5/22, 10:30 am – 5 pm

Fri, 6/5/22, 10 am – 4:30 pm

Sat, 7/5/22, 10 am – 4:30 pm

Refer to kug-Panorama_22SoSe for the introduction: Thu, 14/04/22, 2:00 pm - 4:15 pm, online.

Please register on StudIP.



5 CP

BA_Modul  Linie: Zeichnen / Druckgrafik

MA_Modul  Grafische Ausdrucksformen und Techniken