Flora and fauna in urban space

Elective module


It is a worldwide phenomenon that biodiversity is increasing in large cities, and is in some places even greater than in the surrounding countryside. Apparently, conditions in the complex small ecosystems of cities are more attractive for some living beings than in rural areas that have been significantly altered by agriculture. Many factors play a role in this process, above all the enormous, often underestimated capacity of animals and plants to adapt to changing conditions.

This seminar focuses on developing an individual, artistic form of research into flora and fauna in urban environments. In addition to observing and discovering supposedly unspectacular phenomena, we will also try out various artistic techniques, in particular practicing freehand drawing. In addition, we will discuss the relationship between people and so-called “nature,” consider writings and films on the topic, and visit particular sites in Hannover.


Imke Rathert


Wednesday, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Weekly from 20/04/2022, Room B049 (Sculpture Workshop)

Refer to kug-Panorama_22SoSe for the introduction: Thu, 14/04/22, 2:00 pm - 4:15 pm, online

Please register on StudIP.


5 CP

BA_Modul  Themen – Transformationen – Medien

MA_Modul  Themenspezifische künstlerische Projekte