The Space of Darkness

Elective module


“The Space of Darkness” is a seminar with exercises in analog black-and-white photography. We will practice taking photographs with an analog single-lens reflex camera and will familiarize ourselves with the chemical processes of negative development and enlargement in the darkroom.

A photograph, literally “light drawing,” captures light and shadow for the duration of the exposure. In this seminar we will approach photography from the shadow side: we will investigate the darkness that appears in the shadow of light, palettes of shadow, gradations of darkness, and will revolve around darkness thematically as well.

Materials requirement: analog single-lens reflex camera.


Bignia Wehrli


Thursday, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Starting from 28/04/2022, Room B075, B-135, B-151

Refer to kug-Panorama_22SoSe for the introduction: Thu, 14/04/22, 2:00 pm - 4:15 pm, online

Please register on StudIP.


5 CP

BA_Modul  Themen – Transformationen – Medien

MA_Modul  Material- und medienspezifische künstlerische Projekte