Space Behind the Screen

Elective module


The course introduces the basics of the manual printing techniques of linocut, etching, and silkscreen. Through applied experimentation, participants will be introduced to techniques of the printing workshop. Subsequently, students may create serial works in limited editions using one or more of the learned techniques.



Christoph Sander


The event takes place for one group on Mondays and for the other on Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Weekly from 25/04/2022, Room B-183 (Printmaking Workshop)

Refer to kug-Panorama_22SoSe for the introduction: Thu, 14/04/22, 2:00 pm - 4:15 pm, online

Please register on StudIP.


3 CP

BA_Modul  Kunst und Gestaltung kompakt