Elective module

In fine art, a “nude” is the gestures, position, and movement of an observed naked body made into an “image.”
In nude drawing we study—through drawing—the interplay between body and space through the example of the human body, its proportions and weight when standing, sitting, lying, and in motion.
In this way we transform what we observe and ultimately our relationship with what we observe into line and gesture: and thereby into a drawing.
Our drawing research will be accompanied by the consideration of a selection of historical, modern, and contemporary representations of nudes and human figures in combination with architecture of the same period.
Literature Recommendations:
Gottfried Bammes, "Wir zeichnen den Menschen: Eine Grundlegung" (We Draw the Human: A Foundation). Berlin, 1989.
Oskar Schlemmer, "Der Mensch. Unterricht am Bauhaus, nachgelassene Aufzeichnungen" (Man. Lessons at Bauhaus, Posthumous Notes), Ed. Hans M. Wingler, Neue Bauhausbücher, Gebr. Mann Verlag Berlin, 2003.
Prof. Anette Haas, Anton Krüger
Thursday, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Weekly from 21/10/2021, Drawing Room B075
Introduction at the online kug-PANORAMA on Thu, 14/10/2021, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
5 CP
BA_Modul Linie: Zeichnen / Druckgrafik
MA_Modul Farbe und Grafik in Raum und Architektur