Types and Clichés

Elective Module


The word cliché comes from a French typographical term (meaning stereotype in English), and refers to the reproduction of an original, as a general term for all types of letterpress plates. Colloquially, the word cliché refers to a once innovative idea, expression, or stylistic device that has now become tired and outdated. A cliché is something intellectually or linguistically formulaic. In the workshop “types and clichés” we will engage with the foundations of typographic design in its societal contexts. We will examine the “cliché” on the formal-aesthetic and linguistic level, and develop layouts that correspond with our investigation.

Starting with letters as the smallest unit of writing, through to complex digital layouts, we will learn the basics of typography: technical terms, the history of writing, classification of fonts, microtypography and the use of writing in digital media. In the tension between manual and digital works, between writing with tools and manipulating writing in layout programs, participants will develop their own layout concepts for a multi-page publication.


Requirements for participation:

Architecture: completed mandatory modules „Foundations of Artistic Design 1 and 2“

Landscape Architecture and Enviromental Planning: completed foundations „Artistic Design and Visualisation“


Andrea Schmidt


Block seminar:

Appointment 1-3 (In-Person):
Thu, 08/06/23, 11 am – 6 pm / Room B-049 Fri, 09/06/23, 10 am – 6 pm / Room B-049
Sat, 10/06/23, 10 am – 6 pm / Room B-049

Appointment 4 (Digital):
Fri, 23/6/23, 10 am – 2 pm / BigBlueButton

Appointment 5-6 (In-Person):
Thu, 06/07/23, 11 am – 6 pm / Room B-049
Fri, 07/07/23, 10 am – 6 pm / Room B-049

Appointment 4 (Digital):
Fri, 14/7/23, 10 am – 2 pm / BigBlueButton


Introduction at kug-Panorama_23SoSe: thu, 13/04/2023, 2 pm - 4:15 pm, Room B-075 (Drawing studio)


5 CP

BA_Modul Linie: Zeichnen / Druckgrafik
MA_Modul  Grafische Ausdrucksformen und Techniken