Robots in Architecture

Mobile Robotics | Seminar – BSc./MSc.


With our robotic infrastructure at the Chair of Digital Methods in Architecture, we aim to explore the benefits of integrating collaborative robotic manipulators with an autonomous mobile robotic platform. The goal is to investigate potential applications and navigation methods for the platform in an architectural context.

During the seminar, we will work with and control both the mobile platform and an attached mobile robotic arm (UR5e).

Students will gain initial experience and skills in robot-assisted manufacturing and use their design capabilities for creative engagement with robotics. They will develop methods for design that utilize production or live adaptation as a creative opportunity.

A robotically manufactured architectural prototype will be developed and executed by students and robots during a two-day workshop in June.

The foundation for the course is the dMA e-learning offering. Going through the Rhino and Grasshopper tutorials on the dMA Hannover YouTube Channel is thus a prerequisite for the course.



  • MSc. Architektur und Städtebau:
    Digitale Fabrikation
  • BSc. Architektur:
    Grundlagen Digitaler Fabrikation


  • Andrea Kondziela
  • Victor Sardenberg


  • First Class: Tueseday 16.04.2024
    10:00 - 12:00 Pool 3 
  • Block 1: 13.06.2024 10:00 - 18:00 
    dMA Robot Lab
  • Block 2: 14.06.2024 10:00 - 18:00
    dMA Robot Lab


Further infos on stud.ip